MKT2TRADE For buyers and suppliers to make your job easier

We‘ve created features, for buyers and suppliers to make your job easier

so you can focus on other parts of your day


Looking for Customers?

Our clients maybe look for your products ?

Increase your visibility

The customers you want, use many tools and channels when trying to find a product. They use marketplaces, search engines, industry portals, supplier discovery databases and supplier discovery tools embedded in their internal ERP and sourcing management systems. It would be nearly impossible, and very expensive, for you to insert yourself in all the channels sourcing professionals use to discover suppliers like you. No worries, Mkt2 will take care of that for you and make sure you are there when your next customer is looking for you.

Connecting with the Right Customers

You can't afford to wait for customers to find you. Only Mkt2 gives you the ability to instantly connect with with buyers locally and globally, that have an immediate need for your services and products. 

Building Lasting Relationships

The value of a customer is equal to the business you do with them over a lifetime. With, every customer connection you make is yours to grow and profit from..

Increase Profitability

When you find a steady stream of the work you are good at doing, it results in more profits for you and a great value to your customers.  Mkt2 will allow you to find the type of customers and work that plays to your strengths, thus maximizing the investments that you have made in people, equipment and facilities.

turn your unwanted stock into cash?

We can help…

Speed up stock rotation

If your stock is moving slowly, Mkt2 can help you to find other options, confidentiality guaranteed. That way you generate positive cash flow and keep down your inventory costs.

Access alternative markets

As industrial specifications get stricter, products that don’t meet the stringent requirements can become more common. Thanks to our distribution network, Mkt2 can provide you with a solution.

Leftover stock

When a production run is finished, you often end up with leftover stock. Raw materials, finished and unfinished products are left behind, leading to an opportunity cost and causing needless inventory costs.

Free access

With Mkt2 you get free access to our online marketplaces

Find us

Don't search anymore

we are just right there !



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About the manager

Box photo

Bruno Masson

Ten years experience in manufacturing, distribution and logistics.
Our teams are based in each of the markets in which we operate.
Combining extensive market analysis and the work of our talented development team, we have created a highly effective, online marketplace, with real-time information.